Goldcrest Land received a unanimous resolution to grant planning approval from Croydon Council for its proposed residential led mixed use development at the former Norbury Trading Estate in the heart of SW16.
Goldcrest worked closely with officers and local Ward Cllrs to bring forward this very exciting scheme that will hugely benefit Norbury delivering seventy three one, two and three bedroom apartments including 30% on site affordable homes for local people.
With direct access to the locally listed Norbury Hall Park the brick clad building will activate the streetscape with a vibrant mix of commercial and community uses at ground floor. The scheme secures £100k funding for park improvements and delivers wider public realm improvements forming part of the expanding regeneration programme in the borough.
Councillor Paul Scott speaking at the Croydon Planning Committee commented: ‘This scheme creates an opportunity to really turn things around and introduce an active streetscape with residential above providing family sized homes in a park side location. The design looks good and is an appropriate scale for the area with employment and community uses still maintained.’
Architects: Rolfe Judd Architects and Goldcrest Architects