Located on a former garden centre site in the village of Lyne situated equidistant between Chertsey and Virginia Water this development provides 60 new two, three and four bedroomed houses over a 3.9Ha site. 50% of the homes are provided as a mix of affordable tenures.
The design sought to create a contemporary take on the Surrey vernacular, all set in a rural inspired landscaped setting with a habitat corridor and large village green through the middle of the site as well as extensive tree planting throughout.
The scheme brings many benefits to the future residents and those already living locally. It aims through infrastructure improvements to increase local broadband speed as well as reduce power outages. The open spaces are all publicly accessible and there are significant improvements to both biodiversity and ecology on site benefiting the wider area. A highly sustainable scheme with a 110% increase on policy for ion site renewables and all house will have electric car charging points.
The success of the scheme is due to a close collaboration between Goldcrest, John Pardey Architects and Spacehub Landscape architects which led to the design being applauded at committee with the chair stating ‘this is how schemes should be designed in the Green Belt’, Design Southeast stating that ‘Pantiles is an exemplary benchmark scheme for Runnymede’. This was later confirmed when Pantiles was declared a winner at the Housing Design Awards 2020.